If you know someone who would appreciate CLOUD AIRTIME as an alternative way to make calls, or looking to pay less for more mobile data – then side hustle & start reselling
Earn up-front, ad-hoc and recurring profits
“It’s pretty cool to have your side-hustle pay for your daily airtime and mobile internet data expenses and still have some profits left to spend.” – Phillip
This is a global opportunity.
Any person in the world can use UKUTEL’s CLOUD AIRTIME provided their mobile device is connected to an active and stable internet connection. We will be offering e-SIM’s for our global community soon.

How much do i earn per client who Purchases a once-off voice bundle?
EARN ONCE-OFF FEES (5% of shared profits)
1.) Pro Voice Bundle: Earn $1.76 (30.00 ZAR) per client over your qualifying tiers when you and your clients successfully invite others who purchase a once-off voice bundle.Starter Voice Bundle:
2.) Intermediate/Medium Voice Bundle: Earn $0.88 (15.00 ZAR) per client over your qualifying tiers when you and your clients successfully invite others who purchase a once-off voice bundle.
3.) Earn $0.44 (7.50 ZAR) per client over the qualifying tiers when you and your clients successfully invite others who purchase a once-off voice bundle.
EARN RECURRING (Annual) FEES (5% of shared profits)
Earn $0.22 (7.50 ZAR) per client in your business over your qualifying tiers when he/she renews his/her annual line rental fee.
EARN AD-HOC FEES (2,5% of shared profits)
Earn every time a client in your business over your qualifying tiers tops-up with airtime.
Example: If the average client tops up with $10 (150 ZAR) within a 12-month cycle, you would earn an additional $0.44 (3.75 ZAR) within that cycle at the time of the purchase.
UPDATED: 24 April ’24 – v. 1.6.1
View the income potential you can generate over time if you decide to act as an ambassador and refer people in your circle of influence (like family members, friends and associates) to purchase a product from UKUTEL, using your reseller link.
KINDLY NOTE: The Calculator will only work on a Microsoft Excel compatible device.
Download Latest VersionHow much do i earn per client who Purchases a mobile data bundle? (only for RSA roaming clients)
Earn 25 ZAR per client you successfully invite and who purchases a mobile data bundle (includes sim card) for the 1st time.
Earn 0.5% per DATA Package bought or renewed in your business over your qualifying tiers.
Earn 1.% / 1 Gb of top-up mobile data bundle bought by clients in your business over your qualifying tiers.
UPDATED: 16 August ’23 – v. 1.4.3
View the income potential you can generate over time if you decide to act as an ambassador and refer people in your circle of influence (like family members, friends and associates) to purchase a product from UKUTEL, using your reseller link.
KINDLY NOTE: The Calculator will only work on a Microsoft Excel compatible device.
Download Latest VersionHow Many Tiers Are There And On How Many Do I Earn from?
There are 10 qualifying TIERS from which a reseller may earn profit from.
1.) Clients with a “Pro” AIRTIME bundle earn from profits generated over all 10 TIERS.
2.) Clients with a “Medium / Intermediate” AIRTIME bundle earn from profits generated over TIERS 1-6.
3.) Clients with a “Starter” AIRTIME bundle earn from profits generated over TIERS 1–3.
4.) Clients with an active “DATA” bundle earn from profits generated over TIERS 1-10.
How do i upgrade and/Or unlock more tiers?
Method 1: Requires a payment
Step 1: Open the UKUTEL_App and click on the small UKUTEL tab icon. Your reseller business and personal summary section will open up.
Step 2: Look for, and click on, the “Package Upgrade” button. Follow the simple instructions to upgrade.
Note: Clients with a “DATA” and Airtime package earn from profits generated over 10 tiers and do you not have to upgrade.
Method 2: Requires you to act as an ambassador
Step 1: With our support, invite at least 4 clients to purchase a once-off “Starter” voice bundle from us. Your once-off earnings will accumulate to $2 (30 ZAR) when you achieve this.
Step 2: Encourage your 4 clients to do the same.
Your client base will grow with another 16 clients to 20 over time (4 clients on tier 1 and 16 clients on tier 2), at which point your once-off earnings will accumulate to $10 (150 ZAR).
Your upcoming annual line rental fee will be offset against your accumulated earnings and your available balance will drop to zero [Note: UKUTEL retains the first $10 (150 ZAR) in your Holding Wallet towards your annual line rental.
Step 3: When your 16 clients on tier 2 manage to get their 4 clients each, your client base will grow to 84 over and you will accumulate another $32 (480 ZAR) in once-off earnings which are essentially enough to apply towards higher packages. UKUTEL will retain any profits you accumulate in your Holding Wallet to automatically upgrade you to the “Intermediate” and/or the “Pro” package respectively in order to optimize your income potential.
Take note: When you upgrade, you will receive the difference in the airtime of the new package in relation to the old package.
How do i upgrade and/Or unlock more tiers?
Method 1: Requires a payment
Step 1: Open the UKUTEL_App and click on the small UKUTEL tab icon. Your reseller business and personal summary section will open up.
Step 2: Look for, and click on, the “Package Upgrade” button. Follow the simple instructions to upgrade.
Note: Clients with a “Starter” or “Medium” airtime package and a “DATA” bundle also earn on 10 tiers. However, upgrading to a higher airtime package provides a greater income and more airtime with a longer roll-over period.
Method 2: Requires you to act as an ambassador
Step 1: With our support, invite at least 4 clients to purchase a once-off “Starter” voice bundle from us. Your once-off earnings will accumulate to $2 (30 ZAR) when you achieve this.
Step 2: Encourage your 4 clients to do the same.
Your client base will grow with another 16 clients to 20 over time (4 clients on tier 1 and 16 clients on tier 2), at which point your once-off earnings will accumulate to $10 (150 ZAR). Your upcoming annual line rental fee will be offset against your accumulated earnings and your available balance will drop to zero [Note: UKUTEL retains the first $10 (150 ZAR) in your Holding Wallet towards your annual line rental.
Step 3: When your 16 clients on tier 2 manage to get their 4 clients each, your client base will grow to 84 over and you will accumulate another $32 (480 ZAR) in once-off earnings which are essentially enough to apply towards higher packages. UKUTEL will retain any profits you accumulate in your Holding Wallet to automatically upgrade you to the “Intermediate” and/or the “Pro” package respectively in order to optimize your income potential.
Take note: When you upgrade, you will receive the difference in the airtime of the new package in relation to the old package.
Can i invite more than 4 clients?
“Yes” – They will spill over to lower tiers in your business as per the “spill-over” rule.
How does the spill-Over rule work?
You are limited to 4 clients on your 1st tier.
Let’s assume “John” has 4 clients on his 1st tier, with client names: “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D”.
If “John” invites a 5th client, the system will keep that client in “John’s” reseller business and will apply the “spill-over” rule. Below, are some examples:
If clients “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D” do not have any clients in their business yet,
The 5th client will be placed under “John’s” first client – Client “A”.
If clients “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D” already have their 4 clients each and no more,
The 5th client will be placed in “John’s” 2nd tier under his first client – Client “A”.
If client “A” already has all 4 clients, but clients “B”, “C”, and “D” don’t have any yet,
The 5th client will be placed in “John’s” 2nd tier under his 2nd client – Client “B”
If clients “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D” already have their 4 clients each plus a mixed number of further clients,
“John’s” 5th client will be placed in the first available spot on the next tier of his business.
When are Earnings calculated?
All calculations are done daily at 05H00 (UTC + 2) for payments received in the past 24 hours.
When are earnings paid?
Accumulated earnings above $3 (50 ZAR) are paid every Friday to the client’s nominated bank account. If the Friday falls on a public holiday, then payment will occur on the next working day from Monday to Friday.
Kindly note that earnings are paid out as follows:
- FIRST, your upcoming annual line rental fee (R150) will be offset against your initial accumulated earnings.
- Then, if you purchased a Starter or Intermediate pack the system will ‘hold’ earnings to automatically upgrade you so that you can benefit from additional earning tiers.
- Thereafter, any earnings of $3 (50 ZAR) or more will be paid to your chosen bank account on Fridays (or the Monday after if Friday is a public holiday).
What is the income potential of the reseller program for airtime (voice bundles)?
The earning potential is based on various factors and assumptions. Kindly review our income disclaimer:
The figures below exclude ad-hoc airtime purchases but assume that every client manages to get 4 clients to purchase a one-time voice bundle.
All clients participating as “Starter” bundle clients @ $10 | 150 ZAR (we assume all annual line rental fees have been paid):
Tier 1: $2 | 30 ZAR
Tier 2: $8 | 120 ZAR
Tier 3: $32 | 480 ZAR
ACCUMULATIVE TOTALS: $42 | 630 ZAR once-off, plus $42 | 630 ZAR recurring (annual) earnings.
All clients participating as “Intermediate/medium” bundle clients @ $20 | 300 ZAR (we assume all annual line rental fees have been paid):
Tier 1: $4 | 60 ZAR
Tier 2: $16 | 240 ZAR
Tier 3: $64 | 960 ZAR
Tier 4: $256 | 3 840 ZAR
Tier 5: $1 024 | 15 360 ZAR
Tier 6: $4 096 | 61 440 ZAR
ACCUMULATIVE TOTALS: $5 450 | 81 900 ZAR once-off, plus $2 730 | 40 950 ZAR recurring (annual) earnings.
All clients participating as “Pro” bundle clients @ $40 | 600 ZAR (we assume all annual line rental fees have been paid):
Tier 1: $8 | 120 ZAR
Tier 2: $32 | 480 ZAR
Tier 3:$128 | 1 920 ZAR
Tier 4: $512 | 7 680 ZAR
Tier 5: $2 048 | 30 720 ZAR
Tier 6: $ 8 192 | 122 880 ZAR
Tier 7: $32 768 | 491 520 ZAR
Tier 8: $131 072 | 1 966 080 ZAR
Tier 9: $524 288 | 7 864 320 ZAR
Tier 10: $2 097 152 | 31 457 280 ZAR
ACCUMULATIVE TOTALS: $2 796 200 | 41 942 990 ZAR once-off, plus $699 050 | 10 485 750 ZAR recurring (annual) earnings.
What is the income potential of the reseller program for mobile DATA?
Due to the fact that we have very little data, it is almost impossible to predict the potential.
What we are, however, certain of is this:
1.) you will earn a once-off 25 ZAR per client you successfully invite and who purchases a mobile data bundle (includes SIM card) for the 1st time, and
2.) you will earn an additional 0.5% for the same clients, as well as the clients they successfully invite (in your qualifying tiers) who renew their purchased mobile data bundles on a monthly basis, and
3.) you will earn 1.% / 1 Gb top-up mobile data bundle purchased in your qualifying tiers.
If you are participating as a “Starter” bundle client @ 150 ZAR you could expect to earn:
1.) R25 once-off for EVERY client you successfully invite, and
2.) Approximately R42.00 monthly, recurring if all the 84 clients in your reseller business renew their purchased mobile data bundles.
If you are participating as an “Intermediate/medium” bundle client @ 300 ZAR you could expect to earn:
1.) R25 once-off for EVERY client you successfully invite, and
2) Approximately R2 730.00 monthly, recurring if all the 5 460 clients in your reseller business renew their purchased mobile data bundles.
If you are participating as a “Pro” bundle client @ 600 ZAR you could expect to earn:
1.) R25 once-off for EVERY client you successfully invite, and
2.) Approximately R699 048.00 monthly, recurring if all the 1 398 096 clients in your reseller business renew their purchased mobile data bundle.
View the income potential you can generate over time if you decide to act as an ambassador and refer people in your circle of influence (like family members, friends and associates) to purchase a product from UKUTEL, using your reseller link.
KINDLY NOTE: The Calculator will only work on a Microsoft Excel compatible device.
Download Latest VersionWhat is the 1st pay…1st placement rule?
We place people in the Business (Matrix) according to their payment date and time and not their registration data, irrespective of who invited them.
It basically means that if you registered, but did not activate (paid) for your product and received a welcome notification/confirmation via SMS and/or email, you must NOT invite someone.
If you invite someone and that person pays before you, that will person will be placed above you and you will lose any future profits from that person.
Do we offer any incentives?
Yes, over and above the normal profit share, the following incentive is current:
Fast start bonus
When you are on the PRO (AIRTIME) Package
(whether you upgraded from a lower package or not),
you will earn a FAST START BONUS of either R480 ($32) or R240 ($16) when you choose to act as an ambassador and successfully invite 4 family members, friends, or people in your circle of influence to purchase or upgrade to the PRO (AIRTIME) Package.
To see whether you are on the PRO (AIRTIME) Package, view your current subscription on the “My Products” tab.